Seaport-NxG Prime Contractor CMMI/SVC Level 3 CMMI/DEV Level 3 ISO 9001:2015, 20000-1:2018, & 27001:2013 Certified
                             Seaport-NxG Prime ContractorCMMI/SVC Level 3    CMMI/DEV Level 3ISO 9001:2015, 20000-1:2018, & 27001:2013 Certified 

Commitment to Quality

Cameo has successfully completed a Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) Level 3 appraisal for its Professional Services Projects and Development Projects, respectively.  An appraisal at maturity level 3 indicates Cameo’s corporate processes are well-characterized, understood,  and described in standards, procedures, tools, and methods. The organization’s set of standard processes, which is the basis for maturity level 3, is established and improved over time.


CMMI is a global process improvement model that guides organizations to develop and deliver products and services. The CMMI framework and best practices are widely used by organizations around the world to improve software development related processes and services to meet the needs of customers and end users.

Cameo has earned the following International Organization for Standardization (ISO) certifications for our commitment to quality and defined processes for information security, information technology, and quality management systems, respectively. 


ISO 9001:2015: Quality Management Systems (QMS)

ISO 9001:2015 is the quality management system (QMS) standard developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) that helps organizations of any size in any industry increase consistency of quality products and services, improve customer satisfaction and reduce risks. 


ISO 2000-1:2018: Information Technology — Service Management

Cameo achieved this international standard for IT service management, which defines requirements for the development, implementation, monitoring, maintenance, and improvement of an IT service management system.


ISO 27001:2013: Information Security Management Systems

Cameo received certification for this standard for our ability to specify the requirements for establishing, implementing, maintaining, and continually improving an information security management system within the context of our business. It also includes requirements for the assessment and treatment of information security risks tailored to the needs of the organization.

Security Policy

As a Federal services provider, Cameo places a premium on security in every aspect of business. Our processes are surrounded by security guidelines and procedures. With our support at various federal agencies and business partners, we have adopted an array of compliance and reporting features to ensure our services are at par with guidelines provided to ensure Personally Identified Information (PII). The Cameo team is trained in how to support critical applications, exchange sensitive data, and enforce authorization requirements.


Quality Policy

Cameo’s commitment to providing high-quality services is embedded in our culture and evident  in our daily operations in support to our Federal customers and staff.  Our commitment to quality is demonstrated in the following:

  • Relationships – based on trust, seeking understanding over being understood, and commitment. Putting our clients and employees first is essential to maintaining a reputation of strong character and is vital to our survival and growth.
  • Continuous Improvement – Promote a culture of continuous improvement and constant evolution in our business practices as per market needs and demands
  • Staff development - Maintain a skilled, knowledgeable, and accountable workforce through staff training and development and employee engagement
  • Communication – Placing a premium on clear, concise, yet thorough communication through all mediums is critical to being understood and effective management of risks.
Cameo Capability Statement 2024.pdf
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